
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The 8 core values of a holarchy

In a recent post, I introduced the holarchy as an alternative organizational structure.
Let's look at the core values required to build and sustain a holarchy:

8 Core Values of a holarchy

A holarchy requires shared values. They need to be applied and maintaned without compromize, both on an individual and a corporate level.
If you do not share these values, your holarchy is already set out to fail:

1 - Clarity

First, you need a "true north".
This true north is a transparent, shared set of beliefs and a compelling vision. Everyone must be clear and aligned on the vision and these beliefs. As the vision grows out of sight just by time passing by and life taking it's course, you must continuously invest time on recalibrating yourself.
Shared beliefs need to be clearly articulated and should be as free from ambiguity as possible.

Constantly communicating these beliefs and the vision in clear and simple terms is essential to keep the holarchy going.

2 - Humility

Nobody is better than anyone else, we all are where we are. We do have different responsibilities and different perception, but that doesn't mean mine is more or less valuable than yours.
We all always lack some piece of the puzzle - and we're seeking out more pieces instead of insisting that we got it right. Be willing to be corrected at any time, by anyone, through anything.

3 - Scrutiny

Everything is up to scrutiny. Everyone should be free and willing to say "I could be wrong", or even "We could be wrong" at any time. Nothing and nobody is exempt from being questioned, by nobody, at no point in time.
That doesn't mean we need to have all the answers: It can be that we simply don't know. New information or evidence may imply that our past understanding is no longer adequate or appropriate. When this happens, we must be swift and willing to update ourselves.

4 - Purity

A holarchy relies on following the vision without compromize and being consistent in what you do.
Scrutiny should expose inconsistency, and purity means that you consequently deal with inconsistencies by resolving them to the best of your ability.
True North guides the measurement of the direction you should take. Deviation from True North is an inconsistency that you need to deal with.

5 - Equality

"Rank has its privileges" - and that creates problems. Therefore, there are no ranks and no privileges. Discrimination of people based on any factor beside their actions creates inconsistency and must be subjected to scrutiny.
Roles are transient and subject to need and may change at any time. There are only functions and responsibilities. Not even "leadership" is a role - it is something you either do or don't. It is not a label attached to a person.

6 - Unity

Seek harmony with all those who are willing to move towards your goals, regardless of who, where or when. The rules and practices of the holarchy should be inclusive, yet without compromizing on the vision.
Tolerate no form of division, not even with those who are just at peripheral touchpoints, such as customers, relatives, or friends. Divisions create inconsistency, and inconsistency breaks the holarchy.

7 - Sincerity

Take a stand. Act on what you believe is right. Do what you mean and mean what you do. At the same time, be willing to be adjusted by those around you. You can't refer to "the system" or "the situation" as a reason for doing something you don't believe in, as both are shaped by your own influence.

8- Responsibility

Responsibility can only be taken, not given. If you don't take it, nobody might. You yourself are responsible, so do something. You have no excuse to point at anyone for saying "They should have ..." or "But they didn't ..." , but you do have the right to lead the change by yourself.


Nobody said Holarchy is easy. These core values are essential, yet incredibly difficult to maintain. and even more difficult to establish in the first place. They are the "magnet field" for your moral compass.

You can't just transform an existing system into a functioning holarchy without first defining "True North". Not everyone will join you in your pursuit of a holarchy, and many will find it too challenging to continue on this pursuit in the long term. A holarchy must be willing and able to continue towards their goals, even if their former leaders forsake these values course and it must be ready to leave those behind who choose to become impediments towards making these values happen. A holarchy can only persist with the people who are willing to share these values. Finding the right people is the first problem you need to solve.

Significant change is required to get a holarchy to work. For those who are not willing to work on themselves to live out these values, participating in a holarchy will remain a dream - insubstantial and intangible.

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