
Wednesday, August 10, 2022

TOP Structure - the domain of Architecture

In software, there's a critical intersect between technology, that is - how we turn ideas into working software - and our organization - that is, who is part of development and how they interact.

Architecture is at the crossover point of Technology and Organization

This domain is Architecture, and it exists one way or another - if we don't manage it wisely, the outcome is haphazard architecture, most likely resulting in an inefficient organization delivering a complex, low value solutions in a long time and at a high cost.

Am I trying to advocate for a separate architecture team? No. Take a moment and think about Conway's Law: If we have the wrong organization, the consequence is the wrong architecture, the consequence is the wrong technology - and the consequence of that is a failing business.

Architecture is bi-directional. The right organization depends as much on technical choices as vice versa. We need a closed feedback loop between how we develop, and how we organize ourselves.
In many companies, the architectural feedback loop is utterly broken, hence they're doing with 50 people what could be done with 10.

One of the key organizational failures which lead to the need for "Scaling Agile" is that architecture is either disconnected from workplace reality, or not even considered to be important. By architecting both our organizational system and our technology to minimize handovers, communication chains and process complexity, many of the questions which cause managers to ponder the need for "Scaling Frameworks" are answered - without adding more roles, events or cadences.

This form of architecture doesn't happen in ivory towers, and it doesn't require fancy tools - it happens every day, in every team, and it either brings the organisation in a better direction, or a worse direction.

When was the last time you actively pondered how technical and organizational choices affect one another, and used that to make better choices in the other domain?

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