Sunday, May 15, 2022

Dice Estimation

Although I am a proponent of "#noestimates," that is - the concept that estimation is often the consequence of unsound mental models, and in itself somewhat wasteful, because we often don't know - I still propose an estimation technique that is as useful as it is simple. BUT - it requires context. Let's epxlore this context:

Problems with estimation

Regardless of how we put it, one major challenge is that many organizations use estimates as if there was certainty that they can become "correct" - which is a common dysfunction, because it results in undesirable, wasteful behaviours. These could be, for example, as upfront design, padding, "challenging estimates" - and even post-hoc adjustment of the figures to match reality. None of these behaviours help us deliver a better product, and they may even impede quality or time-to-market.

All these aside: we don't know until we tried - that is, there's this thing called "the high probability of low-probability events," so regardless of how much effort we waste on trying to get those activities "right", we could still be wrong due to something we didn't factor.

These are the common reasons for the #noestimates movement which simplys reject the discipline of upfront estimation in favor of monitoring the flow of work via execution signals to gain both predictability and control. You may ask: "If estimation is so obviously flawed, then why would you propose yet another estimation technique?"

Category Errors

A common challenge teams face is that not all work is equal: Giving a trivial non-tech example, it doesn't take much expertise to realize that building a tool shack isn't the same category as building a house - and that's not the same category as building a Burj Khalifa.

By simply letting uncategorized work flow into teams, we risk that extremely large packages block the flow of urgent high-value items for a prolonged time. Hence, a first categorization into "Huge, Large, Small" does indeed make sense - The key realization is that these aren't equal.

Hence, dice estimation first categorizes work into the right bin: everything that's workable can be taken up by the team, while everything that isn't workable should be managed appropriately before being worked upon.

Six-sided dice

Story Points worked out terribly, and they led to many dysfunctions - so let's avoid that side track. Instead, let's say that we estimate items in dice values. For small items, our estimation unit would be team-days, for large items, it would be weeks, and for large items, it would be months.

That also leads us to the first logical connection:
One Small Dice at 5 or 6 could already classify for a "1" on a medium dice. We could think about splitting it in two if we want to take it on. On items bigger than 5, we should exercise caution: do we understand it properly, is the cost of implementation warranted - is it really the best thing to do next?

This also applies when an item exceeds 5 on the week count - at that point, it becomes a huge dice: we might want to check a lighweight business case and pivot before proceeding.

How Dice Estimation works

Dice estimation is very easy - you simply ask, "If each day of work was a dice roll, what would be the amount of sides on our dice so that we have enough time to hit a '1' - on average - by the time we are Done?"

That is: if the team expects to be done on 2 days, they would choose 2. If they would expect 3 days, they would choose 3 - if they expect 6, it would be 6 days.

Measuring Confidence

Since dice rolls aren't linear, this form of estimation focuses on levels of confidence in completion within a predefined period of time. Hence, despite the fact that we estimate in days, dice estimation values confidence - and thereby clarity and understanding - above quantity of work.

Estimating with uncertainty

Just like a D6 doesn't mean that "we will roll 6 times, then we will have rolled a 1" - what we estimate is the amount of faces on the dice and thereby the expected amount of days that the item will be done.
Think of it like this: If you have a coin, you have a 50% chance to get heads on the first try - and while statistically, you'd expect to get at least one heads in 2 attempts, it's theoretically possible that you need to flip the coin an infinite amount of times and never get heads.

The estimate in team-days helps us manage our work on the Dailies in an efficient manner - as long as the estimated amount of days hasn't elapsed, it's safe to assume we are on track. Any item reaching and/or exceeding the estimate should be scrutinized: are we stuck, did we misunderstand something - what is going on? The "estimate," thus, isn't even estimating effort - it's forecasting a pivot-or-persevere checkpoint so that we minimize sunk cost.

Lightweight estimation

We can estimate work items either as they arrive, during refinement, or when we get busy - that doesn't even matter. The key reasons for estimation are first, avoiding category errors and second: setting up an intuitive checkpoint so that we don't run out of bounds.
With Dice Estimation, we avoid category errors and institute checkpoints in execution

Of course, you could use dice estimation during Sprint Planning or in a PI-Planning as well, but you don't even need cadences to take advantage of Dice Estimation.

Predictability and Forecasting

As we know, a dice averages at 3.5, so even if we didn't do anything yet except categorizing by dice size, we know that our backlog of workable, small items would take about 2 weeks for 3 items. Once we've done a little bit of work and know how much the completed items took, we can either run a simple Monte Carlo Simulation or apply the Law of Large Numbers to figure out how much known work we have ahead of us. The same applies to the Large and Huge dices, which gives us a fairly decent understanding of when an item might be delivered, based on backlog position.

Not a Performance Metric

The dice metaphor should make it easy to explain how neither can one measure the perfomance of a dice-roller based on how often they roll a certain number, nor does it make sense to "squeeze" estimates - the probability of guessing the right number won't increase by restricting the "allowed" numbers that can be picked. If anything, squeezing estimates would lead the team to spend more time on examining exceptions - hence, reducing performance.

Why you should switch from Story Points to Dices

Dice Estimation is a minimum effort method of right-sizing work that helps with:
  1. Sufficient predictability
  2. Easy plannability
  3. Execution checkpoints
  4. Avoiding large batches that block flow
  5. "Split, Pivot or Defer" decisions

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