And the manager? They’re caught in the middle, playing a never-ending game of Rock-Paper-Scissors.

Management: A Game of Rock-Paper-Scissors
You may wonder: What do management and Rock-Paper-Scissors have in common? Middle management is a shark basin - the other a lighthearted, simple hand game often played by kids. I often thought about how to explain what happens in middle management to people unfamiliar with it - and came up with this game as a simple model of what middle management has to deal with.
The Three Moves
As a middle manager, you can ultimately play only one of three moves:
Rock = Stability
Large companies are noisy, chaotic and unpredictable. Playing "Rock" means standardization, consistency, documentation, governance, and regulatory compliance create some predictability.
On the downside, an overuse of Rock makes the process itself the goal, and that causes tremendous waste.
Paper = Delivery
Paper is about taking action, getting stuff done, and produces measurable outcomes. With increasing levels of repeatability and reproducibility, performance becomes scalable.
Paper work is smooth. (all puns fully intended.) Unfortunately, Paper will eventually lead to "doing efficiently that which should not be done at all" (ref. Peter Drucker) - and the biggest threat to businesses is investing into results nobody needs.
Scissors = Disruption
Scissors cut through waste, inefficiency and outdated practices. A play of Scissors is leading innovation, making changes, and turning processes upside down - doing something new, or in ways that were never tried (here) before.
The opportunity of Scissors are immense - and yet, an overuse of the Scissors kills productivity: It destabilizes the organization, causing confusion and chaos.
So then - what is the best move? None.
Let me explain.
There's No Single Best Move
Every move creates the conditions for its own counter:
- Rock sets the basis for productivity - but ultimately, Rock itself is unproductive. Hence playing Rock means that Paper (being productive) becomes the next best move.
- Paper means being productive - but also, outdating. A prolonged period of playing Paper must be followed by a play of Scissors (change).
- Scissors cuts the waste - but it causes chaos: forcing Rock (stability).
The Real Complexity: The System Remembers
Middle management is a game played over time and not in isolation. Past moves shape future conditions. There are other players (your fellow middle managers, your teams - and your customers.) To win, you must think several steps ahead:
- Focus on Rock - and you'll lose to Paper. The player who plays Paper in a game of Rock, Rock, Rock - becomes the winner by default: being a results-driver an environment valuing process conformity over outcomes will be a refreshing change to senior leadership.
- Focus on Paper - and you will struggle with Scissors. The player who brings a novel idea into a stagnant organisation wins, as even small, actionable changes can make a world of a difference.
- Focus on Scissors - and you can't handle Rock. When you're constantly facing the reinforcement of status quo, change will be ineffective - regardless of how good and necessary.
Moving in sequence
And now comes the key challenge: "what should you play next?"
Let's explain what the real problem here is: You're playing a Multiway Rock-Scissors-Paper. You're playing against others (a solvable problem), but you are simultaneously playing against your own past and your own future.
We have established that if you played Rock yesterday, your best move today is probably Paper. And if you play Paper today, your best move tomorrow is Scissors. And after Scissors, you'll have to play Rock again.
But that means that you've got to make a tradeoff between scoring today, and scoring tomorrow. And you can only score today if you prepared for it yesterday.
So then, it's all clear: Play Rock, Paper and Scissors in succession.
Well - not so quick!
Making a winning move
Even if we assume a fully predictable system - the issue is that you're not playing alone. You're competing with other managers on budget, with other companies on market share, and with customers on business versus customer needs.
So if you played "Rock" yesterday, and you're fully predictable, a competitor will play Scissors on you - because you'll be playing Paper today, and that means, you'll lose.
But then - if you can't play Paper, should you play Rock? Well, then you're not being productive, and then your customers will play Paper on you.
Wouldn't that mean the safest bet after a Rock move is Scissors? Yes.
Except - because it's the safest bet, others will prepare for you playing Scissors by playing Rock.
So you should play Paper?
You see where this is going.
Your own predictability is reducing your odds of making a winning move - so your best chance is to not create any hints on what your next move could be.
The winning strategy: unpredictability
We've discovered that being predictable is a losing strategy.
And a manager always playing the same move is definitely predictable - hence, a single move can not be a successful strategy.
We've also seen that a sequence is also predictable, so "Stabilize, Perform, Disrupt" as a cycle is also not a winning strategy.
That leaves only one strategy for success:
- Play all three moves dynamically, and never lock into a single mode.
- Introduce controlled unpredictability to avoid becoming exploitable.
- Plan for future moves (n+2), not just the next one (n+1).
- Break your own pattern before the system forces you to.
And the desire for Predictability? That's the Problem.
Stakeholders constantly demand predictability: "We need a roadmap." "We need a deadline." "We need clear processes." "We need clear roles." Oddly enough, these demands create the very unpredictability they despise:
- Playing Rock (stability) reduces performance, requiring a rapid move to Paper (performance). And that means less focus on "How", and more focus on "What and When."
- Playing Paper (performance) leads to stagnation, inviting Scissors (disruption). This is going to be uncomfortable, but the only way to remain in business.
- Playing Scissors (innovation) leads to chaos, demanding a follow-up with some solid Rock (stability). But the people who thrive in creative chaos are the first who leave when things get cast in stone.
There’s No Easy Way Out - just a smarter way to play
The fundamental truth of middle management is that it is not a "problem that can be solved:" it is a system that must be navigated.
- Expect stability, and you'll be blindsided.
- Expect performance, and you'll be sidelined.
- Expect innovation, and you'll be slowed down.
Winning in middle management isn't about picking the right move - it's about ensuring you remain ahead of the game and are ready to make your move at the right time.
The only way to be sustainably successful in middle management is that you must know all three moves, you must know how to play them well, you must know when to play them - and what to do when one is being played on you. And why you can't win by locking in any of them.
So, the next time someone asks "predictability in middle management" - just smile. Because now, you know the truth: Good luck.