Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Refactor, Rewrite or Redesign?

Have you ever heard the term "Refactoring Sprint?" There is a lot of confusion around what Refactoring, Rewrite und Redesign are, what they entail, as well as how and when to use them - so here's a small infographic:


Refactoring is all about small changes to the way code has been written to reduce technical debt as the code and our understanding thereof grows. It's a continuous exercise and should always be an integral part of the work. Safe refactoring is a low-risk exercise that happens within the scope of existing unit tests, which should verify that indeed we haven't made any unwanted changes.

Examples of Refactoring are: Extracting a variable, renaming a function, consolidating statements or moving code from one place to another.

It should go without saying that in professional development, Refactoring should never be a separate task and should never be done in big batches. Your Definition of Done should include that no essential refactoring is left to do.


We rewrite code when we discover that a current code segment is no longer the best way to achieve a specific purpose. Depending on your test coverage, rewrites are a high-risk exercise that are the basis for future risk reduction.

Examples of Rewrites are new and better means (e.g. a new technology) to do the same thing, or stumbling upon a legacy that is difficult to work with (e.g. complex methods without tests).

Smaller rewrites (e.g. method rewrites) should be done autonomously as regular part of the work when the need is discovered and when developers have sufficient confidence that they can do this safely.
Larger rewrites should be planned with the team, as this exercise could consume significant portions of time and may need additional attention to failure potential.


A redesign must happen when the purpose of an existing component has changed in ways that the current solution is no longer the best possible thing. Redesign is a high-risk and highly time consuming exercise that should be done to get out of a corner. If you have highly malleable code that was well refactored on a continuous basis, redesign should hardly ever be a case unless you have major changes to the business context in which a system is operated.

Examples of Redesign might include moving from batch processing to data streams, changing the database paradigm, or acquiring a new line of business that requires processing different data.

Redesign should always be a planned whole-team exercise that might even break down into a hierarchy of mid- and short term goals. Redesign is a mix of technical and business decision, so it should be aligned with Product.

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