Friday, March 11, 2022

Decision-making in an agile organization

A challenging question in Agile organizations is: "Which decisions should be made where?" - we quickly end up in a heated debate of "team autonomy versus command and control." A red herring - and a false dichotomy that misses the big picture. There is a better way.

Making decisions

Let us first discuss briefly about the three ways that decisions can be made in companies:


Traditional organizations may be most familiar with this type of decision. When something needs to be decided, a manager needs to be informed about what is to be decided, preferably also with some information on the consequences of various decision types. At a convenient moment in time, the manager will decide, and the affected parties will act based on the decision.

Depending on how information is presented to the manager, the manager may decide based on an unknown bias. Managers are often unable to fully understand the consequences of their choices. In turn, teams have to deal with consequences that may not even make sense to them, but they lack the power to change things. The system encourages currying favor over full transparency, and a "making things look good" is worth more than "doing what is right." 

A lot of time is lost in presenting information to management in order to prepare the decision, even when the decision is seemingly obivous. Revising the decision requires significant evidence as well, even after the negative repercissions are already visible. Hence, top-down decision on the work are rarely efficient, effective or even helpful. And that's why they are avoided in leaner organizations wherever possible.


Agile organizations, especially those centered around Scrum, emphasize team autonomy - and thereby, autonomous decision making. Many developers don't like managers interfering with their work, and prefer this way of making decisions. Some get very religious on the "autonomy" part, and will insist on teams getting their way.

Autonomous decisions are both feasible and efficient when the team operates in isolation: As long as it works for the team, we're good. When the team isn't happy with a choice, they can quickly revise it and improve.

Team autonomy sounds great, but isn't a feasible approach when multiple teams interact.
Let's say that team A would like to define a customer as firstName and lastName referenced by customerID, and team B would like to define the customer as fullName and title referenced by customerRefID: Who is right?
If A and B decide autonomously, the system won't integrate, so everyone is "wrong."
Should management decide?

That brings us to the third option, which requires willingness to compromise:


Let us redefine team boundaries to objective boundaries. People contributing to the same goal, working in the same context, or on the same products, need to collaborate, lest they get stuck dealing with friction rather than making progress.
In larger organizations, we have multiple teams. They might be planning, working and delivering independently - yet, at some level of abstraction, they share the same goal.

As an example, if we're working on an Online Shop, we benefit little if our checkout process is optimized at the expense of user registration: our total revenue might go down if we force people to provide payment data upon registration already. Neither the "Checkout," the "Payment," nor the "Registration" teams can autonomously decide which approach is the best - they need to collaborate!

Thus, a "federation" is born: People whose work overlaps for one reason or another can federate. A federation compromizes on local autonomy to optimize globally. We have some centralization, and some decentralization, and we apply a higher-ordered decision framework to determine both how, and what, we need to centralize.

A federation offers us fast and efficient team-level decisions, as well as sustainable and effective overarching decisions.

Guardrails of federated decision-making

A number of common pitfalls can render a federation ineffective:

  1. Not involving people who are affected by outcomes.
  2. Involving people in the discussion who aren't involved in the outcome.
  3. Forming decision queues.

This happens when we violate the general rule of thumb that any federation should decide as little as possible, and as much as necessary. 

The following decision-making flow can assist us in determining which decisions we would like to keep autonomous, and which are better to federate.

In sequence, we can ask three questions to determine whether we require a central federated decision session:

  1. Will the decision affect others?
    • We only need to involve those who are affected.
    • If we affect nobody outside the team, we don't need others to agree.
  2. Will the decision have long-term impact?
    • Easily reversible choices can be subjected to experiment, and inspecting outcomes.
    • Decisions that have a high cost of change require deeper discussions.
  3. Is the decision highly time-critical?
    • If there is a high cost of delay, "it's easier to ask for forgiveness than get permission."
    • If cost of delay is lower than cost of change, the decision should be made centrally.

As we know from governments, federation has a cost attached and easily leads to bureaucracy. Hence, with every centralized decision, we should inspect and adapt on, "What are the costs and benefits of centralizing this?" - and, "Are there things we could change so that we could do this autonomously?"

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