Friday, July 7, 2023

Flush the System for Agility!

A key activity that needs to stand at the beginning of every Agile Journey: "Flush the System." What that does? Well - it lays the groundwork so that working in an agile way is even possible.

Areas of investigation

The following areas can be considered "the usual suspects" where flushing activities may be necessary. Please be aware that terminating something is often the easy part - the challenging, and time-consuming part, is obtaining stakeholder support (and potentially: permission) to do so.


Often, at the beginning of an agile journey, people are highly overburdened and it's not even clear who is working on what for how long. That makes it difficult to get anything done - so we need to clean up!

Itemize ongoing work and complete or cancel tasks accordingly.
Hand over tasks and responsibilities outside the scope of the Agile team.
Terminate processes that aren't aligned with Agile ways of working.


In many organizations, meetings are so rampant that there's no time left to do any work. And the more knowledge a person has, the more likely they're in this dilemma. Without sufficient focus time for getting any meaningful, valuable work - there's not going to be much "Agile" delivery.

Cancel unnecessary meetings, such as status or reporting meetings, Jour Fixes, and others.
Cancel meetings with intended outcomes that should be achieved during Agile events (e.g., Planning, Refinement, Review).
Cancel meetings with unclear or irrelevant outcomes.

Roles and Responsibilities

Roles and responsibilities need to be clarified and aligned with Agile principles and be made consistent with the new way of working. Unnecessary or counterproductive responsibilities lead to confusion, overhead and conflict.

Hand over responsibilities that aren't in the scope of the newly coming Agile team.
Remove unnecessary or counterproductive responsibilities.
Eliminate "telephone games" in roles and responsibilities that impede information and decision flow.

Incentives and Measurement

Incentives and KPI's often surface as an impediment for collaboration and a focus on value. Historically, these are often founded on beliefs that don't coincide well with Agile Values and Principles, hence cleaning these out will become critical to shaping a better system of work.

Eliminate KPI's and management metrics distracting from value creation.
Cancel irrelevant or counterproductive goals.
Minimize the impact of (or preferably eliminate) incentive schemes and bonuses.

Take action!

As you embark on your Agile journey, "Flushing the System" creates a supportive environment that helps Agile teams to thrive. The above checklist is a powerful guide to streamline work, optimize their calendars, clarify roles, and align outcomes.
This list isn't exhaustive - merely a starting point, and you may find a lot more items you can flush as you look around in your organization.
Remember: "Flushing the System" isn't a one-time event, but part of the greater process of continuous improvement. Regularly assess and refine your system of work to ensure you're not missing "flushing" potential that will lead to better flow.

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