Monday, November 2, 2020

Delivered, Deployed, Done?

While an agile organization should avoid over-engineering a formal status model, it's necessary to provide standards of what "Done" means so that people communicate at an even level. The highest level of confusion arises in large organizations where teams provide piecemeal components into a larger architecture, because teams might define a "Done" that implies both future work and business risk until the delivery is actually in use.

In such a case, discrimating between "Deployed" and "Done" may be useful.

What's Done?

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, "Done means Done," "It's not Done when it's not done" and "You're not Done when you're not done."

That is, when you're sitting on a pile of future work, regardless of whether that pile is big or small, you're not done. This is actually quite important: While softening your DoD gives you a cozy feeling of accomplishment, it reduces your transparency and will eventually result in negative feelings when the undone work comes back to bite you.

As such, your enterprise DoD should encompass all the work that's waiting. Unfortunately, in an Enterprise setting, especially when integrating with Waterfall projects or external Vendors, you may have work waiting for you a year or more down the line. The compromise is that teams put work items into an intermediate, "Deployed" status when the feature is live in Production, and set it to "Done" at the appropriate time in the future.

What's Deployed?

In situations where a team has to move on before taking care of all the necessary work to move to "Done", because there are factors outside their own control, it may be appropriate to introduce an intermediate status, "Deployed." This allows teams to move on rather than idly waiting to do nothing or wasting their energy getting nowhere.

In large enterprise situations, teams often deliver their increments and the following haven't been taken care of yet:
  • Some related open tickets
  • User training
  • Incidents
  • Feature Toggles
  • Business Configuration
  • E2E Integration
  • Tracking of Business Metrics
  • Evidence of Business Value
This status is not an excuse - it creates transparency on where the throughput in the value stream actually is blocked, so that appropriate management action can be taken.

Interpreting "Done" vs. "Deployed."

Let's take a look at this simple illustration:

Team 1

If they would soften up their DoD to equate "Deployed" and "Done", then the business risk is hidden, and it becomes impossible to identify why the team isn't generating value, even though they're delivering. They lose transparency with such an equivocation.
A strict discrimination between "Deployed" and "Done" surfaces the organizational impediment in this team and makes the problem easy to pinpoint.

Team 2

It wouldn't make sense to discriminate between "Done" and "Deployed", because the process is under control and there is no growing business risk. This team could just leave items "in Progress" until "Done" is reached and doesn't benefit from "micromanaging" the status.

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