Monday, November 15, 2021

From Standards to Baselines

Many - especially large - organizations are looking for standards that they want everyone to adhere to. The idea is that "standards reduce complexity." Yes and no. Unfortunately, there's a risk that standards create more complexity than they are intended to reduce. 

Let's take a look at the issue by using Scrum as a showcase. Whatever I say about Scrum will also apply to Kanban, DevOps, CI/CD - and many other topics.

The Standard

There's no argument that Scrum is a de-facto standard in the industry for many teams. Many organizations mandate that development teams must use Scrum, and rigorously enforce adherence to a company standard of Scrum. While it's entirely possible to use Scrum in this manner, this entirely misses the point of Scrum: as the mechanics of Scrum are honed to perfection, the core ideas of flexibility and continuous improvement are lost. Teams lose ownership as their way of working is externally imposed.

Teams using Scrum as a standard lose the ability to evolve beyond Scrum. Scrum becomes their mental shutter - they become unable to think in a different way.

Broken Scrum

Teams confined by Standard Scrum often feel that it is far too restrictive. Especially inexperienced teams often suffer from poorly implemented practices, which seem to have no value and just generate overhead for the team. Not being aware of the actual intent, and being unable to discern intent and practice, they proverbially throw out the baby with the bathtub: "Scrum is broken," Scrum is discarded.

Such teams fall below the baseline of Scrum, and they think that Scrum is the problem.

The Baseline

Instead of considering Scrum as the confines within which development must be organized, a team can also perceive Scrum as their baseline. Understanding Scrum as a Baseline means that there's no prescription what you must do or how to do it: it doesn't even tell you that you need to use Scrum. What it tells you is what you must have to be at least as good as a Scrum team could be.

For example - everyone should be able to tell at any point in time what the team's highest priority is.
And there should be closed feedback loops both for decisions and execution.
And the team shoud apply double-loop learning at least in monthly cycles.
And so on.

Now: what's the difference?

From Standard to Baseline

What may sound like a game of semantics makes a massive difference in practice:

Standards create restrictions. Baselines foster growth.

Standard Scrum teams often find themselves rendered ineffective, not because of Scrum, but because the standard stops Continuous Improvement as soon as it touches the rules of Scrum. Baseline Scrum teams aren't concerned with the rules of Scrum - they're concerend with being "at least as good" as Scrum would have them be. A team on a Baseline of Scrum can do whatever they want. There is no rule that the team must use Scrum. Instead, Scrum becomes a list of things that help the team inspect and adapt.

For example, there is no rule such as "we must have Retrospectives." But there is a benchmark - the team should frequently re-examine their ways of working, and actively work on improving their effectiveness. There are other means than a Sprint-end Retrospective to achive this: for example,  extended coffee breaks with deep discussion.

Standards can be measured and assessed based on adherence to a fixed set of rules and practices: it's all about checking the boxes.

Baselines can't be measured in this way. They must be measured based on outcomes: What is the value we're trying to get out of a standard?  And: are we getting at least that?

Measuring adherence to standard leads to improvements primarily focued on compliance. At full compliance, the journey of change ends. Measuring baseline performance is much more complicated. There is no "true/false" answer such as for compliance, and there's an open-ended scale that knows no "perfect" - there's always room for improvement.


Now what?

I would advise everyone to look at everything in the Agile domain - Values, Principles, Practices, Frameworks and even tools - as Baselines: "How far do we go beyond that?

If the answer is "Not even there," then have a discussion of how you can up your game. Maybe adopting that thing is a simple, easy way to improve?

However, if the answer is, "Already far beyond," then compliance is off your list of worries. Even if you don't have that thing, you most likely won't need it.

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